Born and raised in Southern California, Jaimie Milner discovered photography through a high school elective. After high school, Milner attended the University of Southern California and received her Bachelors in Communication. In her studies at USC, she learned about the portrayal of race, gender and sexuality in the media and the effects it has on our society. It was then she realized she could have a direct influence on how people saw themselves and each other. Milner combined this new found knowledge and her love for the art of photography to capture the essence and stories of a people and their individual characteristics. Milner uses photographic portraiture as her primary medium by which she aspires to capture, empower and inspire the human spirit. 

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"The magic of a photograph is its direct correlation to the heart. I believe you capture what your heart is moved by, what arrests your attention and what you want reflected in the world. Photography provides me the opportunity to create my own reality, a reality in which I’m beautiful, I’m seen and I matter. Not only do I want to create that image for myself, but for those who don’t see their value reflected in our world. Power is in perception. 

I believe imagery is a profound vehicle for change."

- Jaimie Milner